
Our Pain: Your Gain ~ Sat, Jul 13, 2013

We know not the reason, nor is it any of our business, but the fact remains that the wedding we were scheduled to host this coming Saturday was just called off. 

Gnashing of teeth aside, we now have a bevy of vacant rooms, allowing you to take complete advantage of us by way of our first and hopefully last "Our Pain: Your Gain" Special.

You know our pain, so what's your gain? Put simply, half price. Our weekend package includes appetizers and a four-course dinner on Saturday, a hearty breakfast w/ omelet station on Sunday and a picnic box lunch on either day. 

Instead of the regular $275.00 to $340.00 rates, the all-inclusive package this Saturday is $137.50 ($154.00 w/ tax) to $170.00 ($190.40 w/ tax) depending on the room.

Call 615.269.3740 (nashville) or 615.286.2090 (smithville) to make reservations!